Monday, April 13, 2009

Celebrating Easter

Up from the grave He arose,

With a mighty triumph o'er His foes;

He arose a victor from the dark domain,

And He lives forever with His saints to reign;

He arose! He arose!

Hallelujah! Christ arose!

Just like at Christmas, it is very important to remember the real reason for celebration at Easter. It is great fun to participate in the Easter Egg hunts and to look forward to the goodies that magically appear on Easter morning, but the most important part of Easter is knowing that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He arose, ascended into Heaven and sits at the right hand of God our Father Almighty where he waits for the time to bring us home.

We started our Easter celebration this year on Saturday before Palm Sunday with the annual egg hunt and kite flying at the church. Our church is very blessed to have many children. More than I remember ever being in our church at any one time. There is nothing more joyful than watching children run and play in excitement. Once again, the year's egg hunt was a great success. We continued the tradition of hiding away "bunny money" in the eggs and letting the kids purchase candy with the bunny money. It gets a little crazy sometimes, but is much better than finding melted candy. There wasn't a big participation in the kite flying this year, but those who did participate had a great time. Even though there wasn't a lot of wind, the kites seemed to do very well.

Then on Sunday, Memama, G'Daddy, Grumpy, and me (Gramma) traveled down to Signal Mountain. Memama and G'Daddy got to meet Molly Ruth for the first time. Since we wouldn't get to see Reed and Molly on Easter Sunday, we went ahead and took them their goodies. My tradition is to always give the kids a swimsuit in their Easter basket. Don't ask me why, I just do it. And yes, Molly, at only one week old got her first swimsuit from Gramma. Growing up, my family spent almost every weekend on the water. Although we don't get to do that so much anymore, Jessica's family lives on the lake and also share a love for the water. So it is only appropriate that Molly should have a swimsuit right from the start. I wouldn't be surprised to see Reed on skis this year at Granna and Papa T's. So don't be surprised if we crash the party so we can see Reed playing at the lake. We had lots of fun with Reed. (Molly pretty much just slept).

On Saturday before Easter, I spent the morning with Kaelyn and Caleb. Regina was working and Chris was doing a 10K run, so I took Kaelyn to ball practice and Caleb to get a haircut. It may not seem so exciting, but I do enjoy getting to do those things with them. We also went shoe shopping. You just haven't been shopping until you take a 6 year old and a 3 year old shopping for shoes alone! I'm getting too old. It was much easier when I was younger. I'm sure the people around us were quite entertained. But the kids were actually very good and oddly enough it was fun.

On Sunday, it was up early and off to Sunrise service and breakfast. Then home for a bit and back for regular Sunday morning service. We gathered at Memama & G'Daddy's house mid-afternoon for 4-wheel riding, playing, and a cookout. The weather was beautiful and we had a very fun and safe afternoon. Of course, we missed Michael, Jessica, Reed, and Molly, but look forward to a visit from them soon. Be sure and check out the photos here!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

#1 (4th time around) Molly Ruth Hampton

Molly Ruth Hampton arrived on March 30th, weighing in at 7lbs 13ozs and 20 inches long.

Molly, we welcomed you to this world with open and loving arms. Just the same as your brother and cousins, I remember well, the day we found out you were expected. Grumpy and I had come down to see your new home and help with some of the massive remodeling project. When your Daddy was showing us around the house, he identified the Master bedroom, Reed's bedroom, the guest bedroom/office, and the new baby's room. What a bright spot for the day! And then a few months later when we found out you were a girl.......oh my goodness.......such excitement. I think your cousin Kaelyn may have been the most excited. Finally another girl for the family. Ever since that day, we have awaited your arrival with great anticipation. To help us make sure we had no trouble finding the hospital when your arrival time came, you gave us a trial run. We received the call around 9:00PM on a Friday evening, waited (impatiently) for your Daddy to call us back saying you were definitely on your way, and made it to the hospital in record time. We, along with Granna and Papa T, waited.....and waited......and waited. Sometime around 4AM, the doctor decided you weren't quite ready to make your entrance and decided to send your Mama home later in the morning with you still cushioned safely away waiting for your time to greet the world. After a short stop by your house to see big brother, Reed, we drove back to Clarksville. After another trip down to deliver the glider for your room, we finally got the call at 4:30AM on Monday morning, you were on your way. No question this time. It took us about 45 minutes to actually get on the road. We should have been a little quicker. I kept telling Grumpy to speed up. But, we missed your arrival by 10 minutes. But it was perfect. By the time we arrived in your room, your Mommy and Daddy had already held you and shared a special time with you, so Mommy was ready to let me hold you. I wish there was a way to put into words what it feels like to hold you and meet you for that first time. But that is just something you will have to learn much later in your life. There is just really no way to describe it. The most important thing for you to know is that you are a very loved little girl. And although miles separate us, our hearts are bound together for always. We love you so much Molly and look forward to many visits and shared memories in the years to come. Sending lots of love, hugs and kisses from your Gramma.