Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"Baby Reed"

Oh, little Reed. I was so excited when your Mom and Dad announced they were expecting you. We were at the Catfish House (one of our favorite places) for G'Daddy's Birthday when your Daddy either asked what names we recommended for the new baby or said what they might name the new baby. It didn't really matter, all I heard was there was going to be a new baby. I was so excited I could burst. My baby was now having a baby! You see, all I ever wanted out of my life was to have babies. I have always loved children and that will never change. I wanted a 3rd child (still often wish I had done that), but circumstances didn't allow it, but now I was getting a 3rd grandchild and I was very excited. Your Daddy & Mommy wanted to keep it secret for a couple of months, but I wanted to tell everybody immediately. Two months was a long time to keep good news silent. I felt like I would burst (even angry sometimes), but finally we were allowed to tell; everyone in the whole family, church, and community were so excited. Of course your Mom's pregnancy was a little different from that of your Aunt Regina and Cousin Nay Nay. She was determined from the very beginning to make everything perfect and took absolutely no risk. Eating and drinking exactly as she read was appropriate according to the articles she researched. Nothing wrong with that, we just had to pick more healthy restaurants (you see your Gramma doesn't cook much). Now, your mama is very private and loves her personal space, but she stepped outside her comfort zone occassionally to let us feel you move or watch as you rolled around in her tummy. She was so proud of you growing healthy and strong, she just couldn't help but want to show you off (modestly of course). She and your Daddy began early making plans for you. They want you to be the best and most loved child ever. Now your mom and dad had a niece, nephew, and cousin to start watching behaviors and things that your Gramma and Grumpy did that weren't necessarily bad things, but things that might be considered spoiling. They didn't want some of these things for you and started making a mental list (and telling us of course) of things we would not be allowed to do. Don't worry, we'll still sneak something in every now and then, but would never, never, do anything that would harm you in anyway. I've got my eye on a dill pickle for you. Your cousin Kaelyn loved them. Used to suck all of the juice out and leave an old shriveled up shell. We'll see what you think soon. The day you were born, I was ill and there was a chance I could pass that to you. So Grumpy had to hold you and I could only look. I still grieve for what I missed that day. I think the touches you feel that first week or so stay with you forever. Finally I got to hold you a week later and I was in heaven. Then I went and got myself into an accident and wasn't able to hold you at all for a while. But when I could sit on the floor, you used to crawl up next to me and (with people yelling at me to be careful) I could still pull you into my lap a bit. Now you've moved away and distance cuts down on those numbers of hugs. So someday when you are reading this for yourself, stay prepared, because the Lord willing, I will still be kicking and looking for those hugs to make up for all of those we lost early on and those we miss due to the distance between us. I do love you so, Reed. I'm so sorry that the few precious months you lived in Pleasant View, circumstances didn't allow us to spend lots of quality time together. I do pray God keeps us close as a family even across the miles and brings you within my reach very often! I can' t wait to share your first birthday celebration with you. You have fun in Florida and have Mommy take lots of pictures. Before we know it, you'll be able to talk to Gramma on the phone and tell me about your days. I can't wait!! Love you, my sunshine. (Yep, I've decided that's what you are). Kaelyn is my Sweet Pea, Caleb is my Sugar Bear, and you are my Sunshine! What will the new one be? Oops, not supposed to tell that yet. Your Gramma is in trouble again. Oh well, I'm getting used to it. I'm sure there will be times that you and I are in trouble together some day! But it will be safe and fun, I promise! See you soon, Sunshine! Give everyone hugs from Gramma!

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